Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to have a piano or can I use a keyboard? A piano or keyboard is required. I'm happy to provide keyboard suggestions if you would like to purchase one.
- How many students do you normally teach? During the school year I teach about 50 students.
- What age should a student begin lessons? Age 7 is a great age to start unless the student is an exceptional reader and highly motivated to begin lessons. Students younger than 7 must also have parents commit to sitting with the child during their daily practice. You are NEVER too old to begin and, in fact, many adults excel quickly.
- How much practice is required? A young student should practice 15 minutes a day and increase to 30-60 minutes as they mature.
- Are there any other fees? Currently I do not charge materials or recital fees. Music fees are kept to a minimum since I utilize legal, free online versions of music.
- Can I bring friends or extended family to my lessons? While I have an open door policy for parents, students normally have drastically more focus when they are taught without any distractions. Friends should never attend lessons unless it is a special occasion and I am notified beforehand for approval.
If you have any other question, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].